The chance is that no one would be reading this blog anymore. I don't think I've purposely shared this blog with many people. But that's sort of what I wanted. It's been a long time since anything was ever published on this blog. Most of the recent writings stay in drafts and it's ok. It's what it was meant to be.
It's the first day of the lunar new year, and I feel like writing something. Anything, really. Just jotting something down. Empty my mind for a second or two, that would be great. Scattered brain, maybe we all experience that these days. With all these social media platforms, new products and technology, it's almost unlimited what our wants would be. Maybe that's why our new dream is now slowly turning into the whole idea of being slower. Ironic much?
I guess not. It's how the world works. It's time for the whole detox thing. We want more. And now, we want less. Or to be exact, we want ourselves to want less. And that's tricky, right? Or maybe, it's plain simple. All you have to do is just, stop. Stop wanting more. Stop trying so hard. Stop forcing things to be. You know how annoying it could be when someone trying to give a person with depression any surface level of advice, things like 'don't be sad'. But when I think about it, it could be it. Of course, there are several things not going the way we hope they would, both internal and external factors and especially if you have some form of mental illness––even the mildest version––it's hard to just jump out of your own mind and say 'you know what, I choose peace today and peace only'. But maybe, that's what it takes to get out of it. To get out of the mind. To get out of suffering. It could probably be the same thing, mind and suffering, that we're talking about.
So yes, it's a new year. Let's take it as a sign to jump. That could mean anything. For each of us, that could be something entirely different. What would be for me? I'd like to create more. To express. To share. To give. Be it writing or painting. Or whatever else I couldn't imagine yet. Let's take one day at a time. Live and love and give. Breathe in and out. Slowly and gently. You owe this body that much. How I see it is that I'm only here for while, borrowing these cells in this physical body that makes life possible, borrowing this atmosphere, the air, the sun and moon, the stars and the earth, the soil and the food, borrowing all the precious love from family and friends, borrowing so much kindness from the world, borrowing the beauty of nature and dreams and emotions, the nothing and everything...I'd like to live a life full of gratefulness and knowing that is more than enough.
Happy new year to us all. May peace be with you.
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