Learn to understand that everyone is different. We might look at the same stars but we see different things. So you don't have to agree with everything they say and vice versa, you can't expect them to agree with things you want either. You don't have to be like anyone or anything, unless you want to.
Learn to love someone unconditionally, to pray them health, to wish them well even though they probably won't ever know about any of this. Learn that not everyone could return you the same feeling you gave them and there's nothing to do with how hard you've tried to be better or to make them better. Also remember that your heart is not broken and it won't be unless a real major shit happens to you and that means you're gonna die. Yeah, people aren't alive with broken heart, got it?
Learn to give more love to people that matter, those who have probably scarified most of their life for you, like your mom, your dad, your family. And for fuck sake, don't hurt yourself because of some random person you think you're so in love with. Especially if you've got parents who care about you, don't you dare to stab them just because of some unworthy stranger.
Learn not to be too serious about anything. Whatever worst happens, it's not the end of the world. And if the world actually comes to and end, everyone would just die. That alone is already too cool to be sad about. Chill, b--ch, just chill.
Learn not to be too serious about anything. Whatever worst happens, it's not the end of the world. And if the world actually comes to and end, everyone would just die. That alone is already too cool to be sad about. Chill, b--ch, just chill.
Learn not to be crazy about money and success and all these superficial things. Money is sweet, it's almost like candy for people our age. But there's so much to life than just money. It's a kind act toward a stranger, a random friendly smile, a big hug from mom after a busy day at work, a hot meal your aunt made, a cup of tea, a book, a nice song, a quiet moment with yourself. There is this thing called simple happiness, and I hope you learn to understand it first before chasing after a material life. Of course, learn to make money to feed yourself at least and look at people who are suffering from not having enough money to maintain a proper life. Support them if possible, even if it's just a little you could provide, do it.
Learn to stand your ground , to do only what you believe in, to not force yourself to do things just because everyone else is doing it, to not rush your life doing things you doubt twice or thrice, to have a heart for all these silly romance, to be crazy and passionate or just empty.
Learn to surrender whatever condition life might have given to you. But learn to change and to improve things you are not satisfied with.
Learn to have dream. Like any dreams. And all the time. It doesn't matter what your dream is, how ridiculous it might be. Maybe your dream is to have enough money to build houses for all the homeless out there, to have a boyfriend who looks like an A-star super hot celebrity or to have all kinds of tea on Earth to drink for a life time? As long as it makes you happy just imagining it to happen, to come true, it's a good dream. And dreaming keeps your heart young? Someone said it. So dream on!
Learn to enjoy the moment, to find your own happiness without needing people to give you, to be independent and confident. Also learn to accept your weaknesses, learn to improve it little by little if you can/want. But if not, learn to have guts to live this life bravely with those weaknesses and if someone pointed it out someday, make sure you wouldn't want to break their neck.
Learn to accept compliments. Even if you walked out of the house with a bare face, wearing your mom's PJs, forgot to spray dry shampoo into your 'omg-i-can't-believe' hair and someone told you that you're pretty. Just smile, say 'thanks' and believe it. Even though your head probably shouted 'liar' in that split second when you heard the word 'pretty', but you know what, some people might have a really weird taste. Like, really weird, I mean. So, believe it but also remember to not look like that again.
Learn to accept compliments. Even if you walked out of the house with a bare face, wearing your mom's PJs, forgot to spray dry shampoo into your 'omg-i-can't-believe' hair and someone told you that you're pretty. Just smile, say 'thanks' and believe it. Even though your head probably shouted 'liar' in that split second when you heard the word 'pretty', but you know what, some people might have a really weird taste. Like, really weird, I mean. So, believe it but also remember to not look like that again.